Live in the moment

Kirsty Thompson


Wellness Coach & Therapist

Hello, I’m Kirsty at Aspire Wellness Coaching & Therapy, based in York.
I have a strong belief that at times in our lives we all need help and guidance to support us through life challenges, enabling us to rediscover ourselves.

I am a Wellness Coach with 26 years’ experience in coaching people to help them achieve goals, in and out of work, and their life ambitions and wishes. I am also a Solution-Focused Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist dealing with mental wellness from stress & anxiety and also the stages of the Menopause through the HypnoMenopause® Approach.

Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy

What is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

It is a type of modern practical, researched therapy, that combines the use of psychotherapy with hypnosis. It is a clinical based talking therapy with relaxation and is a different type of hypnotherapy to any other. It is a positive style of hypnotherapy that helps people learn to cope with stress, anxiety and depression and is also effective with anything that heightens nerves and stress.

What Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is not…

We do not delve in to the past or the problem. There is no regression. No secrets will be revealed!  It is important you put your attention on the positives and not dwell on the negatives.
Some people have concerns that a hypnotist may gain access to their subconscious and are able to read or control their thoughts in some way, it’s none of that…
We have all seen the TV shows where people eat onions or run around clucking like chickens, but the truth is rather more mundane. A hypnotic suggestion cannot make you do anything that your own moral code of ethics would otherwise forbid.

Conditions & Treatments


Hope & Healing

Anxiety & Stress

Sometimes feelings of anxiety and stress can be constant, overwhelming, or out of proportion to the situation and this can affect your daily life


New Beginnings 

Depression & Low Mood

Depression has characteristics including persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure, low energy, disturbed sleep, poor concentration and lack of appetite 


Humility & Gratitude

Menopause & Well-being

Menopause is a stage in life when you stop having your monthly period. It’s a normal part of ageing and the reproductive cycle prepares to stop.


Purity & Happiness

Confidence & Low Self-Esteem

Being confident in yourself and your abilities allows you to know that you can rely on yourself to feel comfortable and manage different situations


All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them…

Speciality Treatment

HypnoMenopause® Approach & Wellness

Menopause is something that every woman will experience at some point in her life. From perimenopause, identity which is the lead up to menopause, to post-menopause, this transitional period can last for many years. For some women, this transitional phase is characterised by vasomotor symptoms, fatigue, sleep problems and a range of other symptoms which make it hard to function. It’s also a time when women may be struggling with life pressures and a shifting sense of their own.

Aspire Hypnotherapy | Call: 01904 793288 | Email: | Facebook | Instagram

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