
The Calm Approach to Menopause

The HypnoMenopause® Approach

Menopause is something that every woman will experience at some point in her life. From perimenopause, identity which is the lead up to menopause, to post-menopause, this transitional period can last for many years. For some women, this transitional phase is characterised by vasomotor symptoms, fatigue, sleep problems and a range of other symptoms which make it hard to function. It’s also a time when women may be struggling with life pressures and a shifting sense of their own.

HypnoMenopause® combines hypnosis, mindfulness, NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to help women manage their experience in a completely natural way. In clinical trials, hypnotherapy has been shown to alleviate hot flushes by up to an incredible 74%, in addition to helping mood, sleep and sexual function.


What can I expect during a HypnoMenopause® session?

HypnoMenopause® combines wellness coaching and hypnotherapy and in addition I also combine other therapies to support your individual journey, this can be in the form of mindfulness and self-care techniques, NLP and CBT. I’ll also help you set goals for the future and support you whilst you take any practical steps, from creating a better sleep routine to increasing your exercise levels, this will help you create the changes you desire.

When it comes to hypnotherapy, I will talk you into a
focused, relaxed state through guided meditations and encourage you to imagine yourself in particular situations, all of which have the capacity to powerfully create transformation at an unconscious level. You are in control at all times.


How can hypnotherapy help my hot flushes/ insomnia/ brain fog?

We often think of the brain and body as being separate, when, in fact, they’re completely connected. Everything we think impacts us at a physical level (take a moment to think of something which causes you fear and notice how your body reacts).

Hypnotherapy can help us connect with our body at a deep level and, in addition to changing the messages we offer ourselves, visualisation is linked to physical changes at the cellular level. Whatever physical menopausal symptoms you have, increasing your mind-body awareness has the capacity to help.

How can hypnotherapy help me with something that is a physical condition?

Whatever menopausal symptoms you are experiencing, hypnotherapy has the capacity to help.

Research shows that hypnotherapy can help reduce hot flushes and night sweats by up to 74% and can help improve sleep, mood, and general wellbeing.

Although we often think of our minds and bodies as being separate, in fact, they’re constantly communicating with each other. HypnoMenopause® encourages a deeper connection between the mind and body which encourages a sense of healing and recovery and can help improve your physical experience. Hypnotherapy is also a wonderfully relaxing experience which can help manage stress and anxiety – two issues which many women face during menopause.

Is HypnoMenopause® guaranteed to help?

Hypnotherapy is clinically proven to help women during menopause, and HypnoMenopause® incorporates a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach which also has a clinically proven track record in helping women during menopause.
However, the effectiveness of any type of therapy depends on the individual and whilst it is hoped you see a considerable improvement in your symptoms, guarantees are not offered.

I’m not sure if I can be hypnotised? Will this work for me?

Hypnosis is a completely natural experience which is individual for everyone. It’s similar to feeling completely absorbed or focused – a bit like the experience of daydreaming, reading a book or being absorbed in a movie.

If you’re used to meditating or doing yoga, you’ll have experienced a similar state of mind. Some people go deeper into a state of hypnosis than others and hypnotherapy can be effective for everyone. If you’re motivated to create positive change, HypnoMenopause® can prove highly effective, no matter what level of hypnosis you achieve.

I’m on HRT. Can I still do HypnoMenopause®?

Absolutely! HRT can help some women see an improvement in menopausal symptoms and quality of life and, it it’s working for you, HypnoMenopause® is a complementary approach which can work beautifully in conjunction with other medical or complementary approaches.

Can this be used as an alternative for HRT?

Everyone’s experience is unique and whilst some women stay on HRT during their HypnoMenopause® Programme, others seek it out as an alternative therapy. In clinical trials, hypnotherapy has been shown to have an effectiveness rate of up to 74% in the treatment of hot flushes – a similar success rate to HRT. It also helps with mood, sleep and sexual function so, for some women, it provides an effective alternative to medication.

Does it matter which stage in menopause I’m at?

HypnoMenopause® is designed to work with women, no matter whether they’re perimenopausal or post-menopausal. Menopausal symptoms can persist for several years, and this programme can help you, whatever your experience.


I don’t really have any clear symptoms. I just feel a bit rubbish and stressed. Can you help?

Many women experience a sense of just not being themselves during menopause, and may feel fatigued, lost or down and some women seek it out simply because they’re feeling stressed, fatigued and overwhelmed..

Hypnotherapy is a very positive, forward-looking therapy which has a great track record in helping boost confidence and self-esteem. If you’re not quite sure what’s wrong, but you just don’t feel like your old self, HypnoMenopause® can help you embrace your life ahead and is designed to help with everything from coping with mid-life career stress, to empty-nest syndrome to hot flushes.


I have a few symptoms can hypnotherapy help with them?

Yes, the HypnoMenopause® approach combines a range of techniques and is tailored to you within your sessions. Some common symptoms include;
• Irregular periods or skipping periods
• Hot flashes/flushes/tropical moments
• Urinary urgency
• Intimacy issues
• Weight gain
• Insomnia & Sleep problems
• Changes in mood like irritability, anger or mood swings
• Anxiety and depression/low mood can be a common symptom and add to the feeling of ‘out of control’ or ‘I don’t feel like me anymore’
• Concentration and forgetfulness
• Overwhelm
• Migraines & headaches
• Aches & pains
• Palpitations
And more…


Does video connection versus face-to-face therapy really work?

Hypnotherapy via video is incredibly effective. Whilst there’s always something nice about visiting a therapist face-to-face, if that’s not possible, you can connect with your HypnoMenopause® Practitioner via zoom and have the added benefit of being in the comfort of your own home!

HypnoMenopause® does not rely on touch and many people find it easier to relax in their own space, as they talk with and listen to their HypnoMenopause® Practitioner.

How many sessions do I need?

Generally, it is recommended that you have five sessions and complete the full HypnoMenopause® Programme. HypnoMenopause® represents a holistic therapeutic approach which may be new to you.

Rather than simply treating the symptoms, I will be working with you to treat you as a whole person. I’ll also help you see beyond the symptoms and support you in embracing this important phase in your life.

HypnoMenopause® was featured in Psychologies Magazine and journalist, Clem Felix had this to say of her experience, “I feel extremely lucky that I’m so close to the life I want, and for the help Dr Jack  has given me to enjoy it again…I feel energetic and am looking forward to the future with real excitement for the first time in years. For now, at least, I feel a long way from needing HRT”


You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true

Wellness Coaching

Wellness coaching helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfilment through improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives.

This form of wellness coaching supports you to clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and have strategies for overcoming each obstacle. Focusing on the positives helps you to make the most of your strengths and provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.

Many people seek out a wellness coach for guidance in navigating a significant life change, such as taking on a new career. In plenty of cases, however, people turn to wellness coaches simply for help in building a happier, more meaningful life. One of the main benefits of working with a wellness coach is the ability to gain a fresh, informed perspective on problems that you face in and out of the workplace.


The aim of meditation is usually perceived as clearing your mind and thinking about nothing, to most of us that seems an impossible task because usually when we try to think of nothing all sorts of things pop into our minds! Most of them are irrelevant too.

Mindfulness emphasises the mind-body connection by increasing awareness of the physical body and teaches us to question our thought patterns and subsequent actions so that we become more attuned to negative patterns and shift the focus away from these to restore balance.

Deliberately paying attention to the things we normally would not even notice and becoming aware of our present moment experiences as they arise brings a sense of calmness, clarity and positive steps forward.

When we practice mindfulness we pay attention to what is happening in our mind and body; to our thoughts-the stories we tell ourselves- as well as the emotions as they arise.

Mindfulness can be used for healing and relaxation purposes and can aid recovery through strengthening the mind and allowing you to live in the present moment, giving time to develop coping strategies to create a positive cycle.

Mindfulness techniques come in many forms and finding the right one that works for you is key: this starts with self-awareness.


The aim of meditation is usually perceived as clearing your mind and thinking about nothing, to most of us that seems an impossible task because usually when we try to think of nothing all sorts of things pop into our minds! Most of them are irrelevant too.
Mindfulness emphasises the mind-body connection by increasing awareness of the physical body and teaches us to question our thought patterns and subsequent actions so that we become more attuned to negative patterns and shift the focus away from these to restore balance.

Deliberately paying attention to the things we normally would not even notice and becoming aware of our present moment experiences as they arise brings a sense of calmness, clarity and positive steps forward.

When we practice mindfulness we pay attention to what is happening in our mind and body; to our thoughts-the stories we tell ourselves- as well as the emotions as they arise.
Mindfulness can be used for healing and relaxation purposes and can aid recovery through strengthening the mind and allowing you to live in the present moment, giving time to develop coping strategies to create a positive cycle.
Mindfulness techniques come in many forms and finding the right one that works for you is key: this starts with self-awareness.

Wellness Coaching

Wellness coaching helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfilment through improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives.

This form of wellness coaching supports you to clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and have strategies for overcoming each obstacle. Focusing on the positives helps you to make the most of your strengths and provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.

Many people seek out a wellness coach for guidance in navigating a significant life change, such as taking on a new career. In plenty of cases, however, people turn to wellness coaches simply for help in building a happier, more meaningful life. One of the main benefits of working with a wellness coach is the ability to gain a fresh, informed perspective on problems that you face in and out of the workplace.


.. and the dandelion does not stop growing because it is told it’s a weed.  The dandelion does not care what others see.  It says “one day, they will be making wishes upon me”

– B Atkinson

Aspire Hypnotherapy | Call: 01904 793288 | Email: kirsty@aspire-wellness.co.uk | Facebook | Instagram

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