What is Solution - Focused Hypnotherapy?

It is a type of modern practical, researched therapy, that combines the use of psychotherapy with hypnosis. It is a clinical based talking therapy with relaxation and is a different type of hypnotherapy to any other. It is a positive style of hypnotherapy that helps people learn to cope with stress, anxiety and depression and is also effective with anything that heightens nerves and stress

Designed to concentrate on the positives through focusing on all the areas you are achieving and want to achieve- not the problem. Or simply you’ve lost your way and want to get back to where you were. This is achieved in a short time frame with long lasting effect and is supported by scientific evidence from neurological research.

A combination of;

  • Hypnosis is a very natural, relaxing state, encouraged by using guided relaxation, where the mind can relax and then focus on thoughts and suggestions in a positive state to help you make changes. You are always totally in control during the sessions
  • Psychotherapy used to explore your own solutions-think of it as creating positive steps to wellbeing and healing

I do try to work miracles but with all forms of therapy we need to meet each other halfway so there will be work for you to do during the sessions.  Instead I use positive, encouraging talk that is uplifting and inspiring. We have fun along the way, you can just be your own wonderful self.

What Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is not

We do not delve in to the past or the problem. There is no regression. No secrets will be revealed!

It is important you put your attention on the positives and not dwell on the negatives.

Some people have concerns that a hypnotist may gain access to their subconscious and are able to read or control their thoughts in some way, it’s none of that…

We have all seen the TV shows where people eat onions or run around clucking like chickens, but the truth is rather more mundane. A hypnotic suggestion cannot make you do anything that your own moral code of ethics would otherwise forbid.

On a similar albeit slightly lighter note, many people would cringe at the idea of being daft in front of an audience or feel uncomfortable with a swinging watch held in front of them, it’s none of that…Sorry.

A client can choose to stop or leave whenever they wish, perfectly capable of functioning just as fully as they did beforehand.

What happens during Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

Firstly, I will send you a consent form with general information to complete prior to the Initial Consultation, this will give me a steer on how to tailor your sessions.

Then you will have an Initial Consultation to take down those important details about you, following with an in-depth explanation of the brain and how it works so you understand why Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is the best way to achieve goals and make changes.

We talk about the brain, we geek out on a bit of neuroscience.

You are given a track to listen to every night to support your treatment.

Subsequent treatment sessions generally look like this;

We will focus on your changes through discussion, a fresher on what’s happening in the brain, set goals for the week ahead and then it’s time for deep relaxation and to work on the part of the brain that makes those changes

It’s as easy as that!

Online sessions is an easy-to access-format

Perfect if you have a busy schedule or prefer to be in the comfort of your own home. You will be sent a link and with one easy click you can gain access to your session via phone, tablet, or computer. There is no downloading Apps etc, super easy!

Sessions work in the same format as face-to-face.


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you’ve imagined.

– Henry David Thoreau

Aspire Hypnotherapy | Call: 01904 793288 | Email: kirsty@aspire-wellness.co.uk | Facebook | Instagram

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